Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin Killed... by a Stingray

THE Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, is dead.

He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said today.

It is understood he was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest.

He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary when the tragedy occured.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.

Irwin's body is being flown to Cairns.

It is believed his American-born wife Terri is trekking on Cradle Mountain in Tasmania and, as of today, has yet to be told of her husband's death. The couple has 2 children.

Wow, what a shitty way to go out. We figured he'd go out in true style, like getting his head ripped off by a 12 foot crocodile or something.

As weird as this story is, you've got to feel for his wife and kids.

If you plan on cooking out / drinking during the Labor Day holiday on Monday, pour a lil' out for the homie down 'unda and yell out a big 'ol CRIKEY !!!